Terms of use
The company with the name "GOLDEN DEAL S.M.S.A.", located in Athens, at 1-3 Kifissias Street, P.O. Box 11523 (hereinafter and for the sake of brevity the "Company"), with General Commercial Registry Number (G.E.MI) 008024301000, beneficiary of, among others, the websites with the domain name «www.xe.gr», «my.xe.gr», «pro2.xe.gr» και «support.xe.gr» and the mobile and tablet applications (hereinafter referred to as "xe.gr"), offers its services under the following Terms of Use described in detail below, as well as the Privacy Policy, which each visitor/user of xe.gr is requested to read carefully and to visit/use the pages and services of xe.gr only if he/she accepts them in full.
In case of disagreement, the user is requested not to make use of xe.gr, but to notify the Company of any possible remarks in order to be taken into account, always within the limits of feasibility, good faith and the common business ethics. Any remarks submitted are recorded and evaluated by the Company for the purpose of drawing conclusions, but in no event shall they be binding on the Company vis-à-vis the user or any third party.
Visitors/users of the website who are minors are not allowed to access the services of the website that may be considered inappropriate for minors and which cannot be controlled by the website. Any section or service that may contain material that is inappropriate/offensive/obscene has a warning to visitors/users. If, however, underage users voluntarily visit pages containing material that is inappropriate/offensive/obscene and which cannot be continuously monitored, the site cannot be held responsible. The Company does not knowingly collect personal information from minors. If it finds that it has collected any personal information from a minor without verifiable parental consent, it will delete the information from its database as soon as possible.
The Company provides visitors/users of xe.gr with a number of services which mainly consist of providing information, advertisements of all types/forms, the ability to use communication tools, search services, mass access of users, etc. All existing services as well as any new services included in xe.gr are subject to these Terms of Use, unless expressly provided otherwise. The visitor/user of xe.gr services accepts fully and irrevocably that all the information/services of xe.gr is provided "as is" and the Company bears no responsibility regarding the limited duration, deletion, poor performance, inability to store user data electronically and any damage that may be caused by the use of xe.gr.
The use of xe.gr is governed by the provisions of Greek, European and International Law, which are binding for each user/visitor, who is obliged to comply with them. In addition, the user/visitor is obliged to use the content and services of xe.gr in accordance with the relevant legislation, moral ethics and the present Terms of Use, refraining from any action that may offend the morals and personality of other visitors/users or create problems in the proper functioning of xe.gr.
The user/visitor understands and accepts that the website does not make a preliminary check of the content, but that the website and its competent partners reserve the right (and not the obligation) to have the exclusive choice to refuse to post/publish or move or delete any content available through its services. Also, the site and its competent partners reserve the right to delete without notice any content that violates these Terms of Use.
The User/Visitor who wishes to sign up for the services of xe.gr should:
provide true, complete and valid personal data as requested by xe.gr in the relevant applications for access to its contents/services,
Immediately notify xe.gr of any changes to the above information and ensure that such information remains accurate, complete and current at all times.
The Company provides membership services to xe.gr users, provided that the latter have accepted the Terms of Use and have completed the process of submitting their personal details. Once the visitor/user has completed the sign-up process, he/she will receive confirmation of his/her registration through a unique hyperlink sent to the address he/she has provided, and the user/member is deemed to have accepted and is aware of the Terms of Use.
Users are solely responsible for all activities that occur under their personal password, user name, and user account in general. Users agree to notify the Company immediately of any unauthorized use of their account and any actual and/or potential breach of security. In addition, Users are solely responsible for the careful use of their account and for formally logging out of their account at the end of each use ("Logout"). The Company shall not be liable for any damages or losses resulting from the User's failure to respect and comply with this clause. Once the account has been created, it cannot be deleted by the user.
By confirming the sign-up via this hyperlink, the sign-up process is completed.
The Visitor/User has the right to raise objections by sending a request to the Website to correct or delete his/her personal data, as well as to cancel his/her membership by sending an email to the Website's contact form and in accordance with what is stated in these Terms of Use - Privacy Policy.
The Company reserves the exclusive right, and the user/visitor accepts it, to permanently or temporarily suspend the operation of xe.gr with or without notice to users/members.
Occasionally, the Company may offer free or discounted trial subscriptions for a specified period of time (a "Trial"). The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the Terms of Use of a Trial and, subject to applicable law, to revoke or modify a Trial at any time, without prior notice and without liability, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
The Company makes every possible effort, within the framework of technology control, so that the services, contents and options of xe.gr are provided smoothly and without interruption. However, it is not liable in the event that for any reason, including negligence, the operation of xe.gr is interrupted or if it becomes difficult and/or impossible to access it and/or if, despite the safety measures followed, "viruses" or other harmful software are detected and transmitted to the terminals of users/visitors, or if third unauthorized persons (hackers) interfere with the content and operation of xe.gr making it difficult to use it or causing problems in its proper functioning.
The content and information contained in xe.gr do not originate in any way from the Company, on the contrary, they are published on xe.gr on the own initiative and exclusive responsibility of each user/advertiser and cannot in any case be perceived as valid information and/or advice nor do they imply the Company's encouragement to perform specific actions (e.g. purchase, rental of real estate, etc.). The Company is solely responsible for the collection, grammatical and editorial processing and posting of the content of xe.gr but does not guarantee in any case for the correctness, completeness or availability of the contents, pages, services, options of this (xe.gr). Following this, the respective user/visitor uses the provided services/information of xe.gr solely on his/her own initiative, assuming at the same time the relevant responsibility of cross-checking the information in question.
The Company may, but has no obligation, to monitor, control or process the User Content. In all cases, Company reserves the right to remove or disable access to any User Content for any reason, including, without limitation, User Content that, in Company's sole discretion, violates the Agreements. The Company may take such actions without prior notice to you or any third party. Removal or disabling the access to User Content will be at Company's sole discretion and Company does not commit to remove or disable access to any particular User Content.
The Company is not responsible for the User Content, nor does the Company approve of any opinion contained in any User Content.
The Company bears no responsibility regarding the content of advertisements (of any category and form) posted on xe.gr as well as the communication of the user/member with third parties advertised on xe.gr. Furthermore, the Company is not responsible for any issue arising from any commercial transaction of any kind between the user/member and the third party advertiser.
The advertiser must adhere to the content displayed in the advertisement without modifying any promotional periods, product offers or prices quoted.
Advertisements should not mislead users. The messages communicated within the content of the advertisement must not contain statements or visual representations that, either directly or indirectly, by implication, omission, ambiguity or exaggerated claims, are likely to mislead the consumer.
Advertisements are not allowed to collect personal information of xe.gr users without their knowledge and consent.
Advertisements that collect information from users must include their Terms of Use in the content of their web pages
Advertisements should not mimic the user experience provided by xe.gr. For example, advertisements that make use of graphics and language similar to those on xe.gr are not allowed, as this may distract the user's navigation path
Advertisements cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, health or genetic status and marital status of users.
In advertising banners, the identity of the advertiser must be visible.
The following topics are either expressly prohibited or subject to partial restrictions.
We do not accept advertisements whose landing pages contain inappropriate content and promote online and offline encounters.
We do accept advertisements relating to websites that promote, dating and related social relationships and are directed to persons over the age of 18, by explicitly mentioning this in the relevant Terms of Use. These advertisements must comply with the targeting requirements for dating services in the dedicated section of our website https://www.xe.gr/prosopika/ (available only in Greek).
We do not accept advertisements and websites that promote illegal drugs and products.
Alcohol advertisements are allowed, given that they strongly emphasize measured consumption rather than abuse. At the same time, they must fully comply with the current provisions of the Greek Advertising - Communication Rules of the Hellenic Advertising Association.
No advertisements promoting false documents and certifications from non-legal entities are allowed.
Advertisements that promote or facilitate online gambling, skill gaming or lotteries for real or non-money, including online casinos, sports betting and poker, are only permitted when they are targeted at users 18 years of age or older. This should be clearly stated in the Terms of Use of the website concerned.
No advertising is permitted that promotes illegal activities as defined by the laws of the Greek State.
Only accredited Universities/Colleges are allowed to advertise and promote their services.
Advertisements promoting application for credit cards or financial services from accredited institutions must:
include a disclosure on the advertisement's landing page with sufficient information regarding fees, such as annual interest rates, transaction fees and interest rates, as well as the postal address of the entity offering the product.
not directly request the submission of financial information of the user, such as credit card information
be targeted at persons aged 18 years and over, a mention which must be clearly stated in their Terms of Use.
Advertisements promoting opportunities to increase users' income must describe the relevant product or business model in detail and should not promote business models that offer immediate profitability with minimal investment, including multi-level marketing opportunities.
Advertisements should not promote financial products and services that are often associated with misleading or fraudulent marketing practices.
Advertisements promoting political messages aimed at informing the public are allowed.
No advertisements are permitted whose content "exploits" social phenomena and situations with the ultimate aim of dividing society and making financial profit.
No advertisements promoting the sale of prescription products are allowed.
Advertisements promoting non-prescription products are permitted when accompanied by the relevant certifications required by law (e.g. demonstration of approval by the National Organization of Medicines (ΕΟΦ).
Advertisements that include parapharmaceutical products, vitamins, supplements and related retailers are allowed if they are accompanied by the relevant certifications required by law.
Advertisements promoting weight loss products and services as well as cosmetic operations must be targeted to persons 18 years of age and older, a fact that should be stated in the Terms of Use of the respective website and should be promoted by certified entities (e.g. doctors, medical centers & companies of the specific industry).
Contraception advertisements are permitted, as well as advertisements for products, services and information related to Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Advertisements that include promotion of services for zodiac signs, horoscopes, potions and psychics are permitted. No ads that include spells and exorcisms are allowed.
No advertisements using religious symbols, rituals or texts referring to religious groups or organizations are allowed.
No advertisements promoting tobacco products or related products that promote smoking (e.g. e-cigarettes & their accessories) are allowed.
The advertisers are responsible for the correct use of their trademarks. The use of third party trademarks of companies without their consent is considered illegal.
Any website that promotes violence and torture cannot be hosted on our website.
Weapons, fireworks and pyrotechnic devices
No advertisements that promote the sale or use of weapons, ammunition or explosives are allowed. This rule also applies to advertisements for gun modification components.
No advertisements promoting pyrotechnics/pyrotechnic devices are allowed.
Advertisements promoting cameras and surveillance equipment for lawful use are permitted.
Advertisers interested in working with xe.gr should initially contact the Advertising Department having available/sending the materials for the creation of banners or their finished artwork. xe.gr is reviewing the material within 48 hours and subsequently the Advertising department contacts the partner company for any changes or information related to the beginning of the advertising campaign.
During the review xe.gr takes into account the quality of the images, the content of the texts and the linking of the advertisement with pages outside of xe.gr. In this context, xe.gr has the right to limit the advertiser's alternatives with regard to the visuals so that they are in harmony with the rest of the website.
If the Company is notified that any Content violates these Terms of Use, is illegal or misleading, the Company may, at its sole discretion, take action without prior notification to the provider of such Content.
If you believe that any Content does not comply with these Terms of Use, is illegal or misleading please complete the form using the appropriate link on each page.
No practices that may mislead, intentionally or unintentionally, users or distort the functionality of the service provided are permitted. By way of example, but not limited to, the following practices are not permitted:
The publication, on xe.gr, of property, vehicles, job or other items’ listings which are no longer commercially active.
The publication, on xe.gr, of a job listing with more than 1 job specialties/positions.
The deletion and re-registration of ads on xe.gr or updating ads without real changes in order to have them appear with a more recent date.
The publication on xe.gr of property, automotive, job and other items listings with no price or with a false price (e.g. 1€)
The publication, on xe.gr, of property listings in which real estate agents conceal their professional identity and appear as private individuals
The publication, on xe.gr, of multiple listings of the same property in the same or in different areas in order to achieve a greater geographical coverage.
The publication, on xe.gr, of the advertiser's trademark (logo) in place photographs depicting the property, in the designated area for the publication of photographs.
The publication, on xe.gr, of photographs that are not related to the description of the listing of any category.
Upon review, the Company will remove the customer's listing if any of the above practices or anything not described herein that is intended to mislead the user is found. If a second instance is found for the same customer, the Company will remove all customer listings for 48 hours. In the event of a third instance involving the same account, the Company will remove all listings from the customer's account for 30 days.
In particular, the Company informs that it reserves the right to immediately remove from xe.gr any multiple, repeated, non-unique, misleading or inactive listings from the Customer's account upon detection by our quality systems or upon receipt of a written complaint.
In addition, the user will now be able to add any comment to any listing. For example, someone will be able to add a comment such as "Fake listing” “inactive listing” “Listing with false price” “Listing belongs to a professional and not a private person”, etc."
The reporting process will be available to both logged in and unlogged users. Comments and reports will be automatically sent to xe.gr, who will take immediate action.
The copyrights of the contents and services of xe.gr, including but not limited to texts, advertisements, photographs, designs, commercial and financial data, programs, files of all kinds, brands/logos, design of xe.gr, belong exclusively to xe.gr, and are protected by the Greek, EU and international laws on intellectual property. These contents and services are made available to the users/visitors strictly for personal use. The Company always makes every effort in the context of good faith and relevant business ethics to ensure that the content and information that appears each time on xe.gr is as accurate and truthful as possible, but does not assume any responsibility for their reliability or completeness.
Any reproduction, republication, uploading, posting, distribution, transmission or any other use of xe.gr content in any way or by any means for commercial or other purposes is prohibited without the prior written permission of the Company or any other copyright holder. Otherwise, the aforementioned actions may constitute an infringement of the intellectual/industrial property rights of the Company, which reserves the right to claim any positive and consequential damages caused to it, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.
The User/Visitor/Member accepts and acknowledges that the Company may commercially exploit (either by itself or by third parties) all data appearing on xe.gr.
Use of photos in advertisements: The User/Advertiser declares responsibly that the photos he/she publishes on xe.gr are his/her intellectual property and do not contain any content that may offend or insult and are free of any third party rights. The company is not responsible for the content of the above-mentioned photos and for any issues that may arise in relation to these photos.
Furthermore, the user/advertiser assumes the obligation to cover any damage (including any costs, legal or other) that the Company may face from claims of any third party, connected in any way with the listing and display of the above photos.
The User/Member fully and irrevocably accepts the Company's exclusive right to terminate the use of his/her access codes to the xe.gr services and to discontinue the availability of xe.gr content and information if it (the Company) considers that the User has violated these Terms of Use.
In particular, the User fully and irrevocably accepts that the Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to discontinue the publication and posting of any ad on xe.gr at any time if it considers that its content is in any way misleading and/or illegal and/or false and/or offensive and that such content is generally contrary to these Terms of Use. At the same time, the Company reserves the right to refuse to allow the User/Advertiser of the ad in question to post/publish other ads (of any category and with any content) on xe.gr in the future.
The xe.gr website contains links to other websites, for the contents and services of which the company does not assume any responsibility, nor does it guarantee the permanent and secure accessibility of these websites. Therefore, for any problem that may arise during the visit/use of these sites, the user/visitor must directly contact the respective sites, which bear the exclusive responsibility for resolving this problem. In no case shall the Company be considered as accepting or adopting the contents or services of the sites and pages to which it refers or that it is linked to them in any way. The respective owners of the websites are solely responsible for any problems that may arise while visiting the aforementioned websites.
The Company safeguards all personal data and information as well as the conditions of collection, processing and management of personal data of xe.gr's visitors/users/members. In no case does this policy cover the relationship between xe.gr's visitors/users/members and any services that are not under the control/ownership of the Company. Data Protection Officer-DPO for issues related to the processing of your personal data is Nikolaos Goulis, email: n.goulis@xe.gr
The Company collects personal data on xe.gr:
When the Visitor User signs up for xe.gr services
When using its services
When using the xe.gr pages and during the access to the advertising (or any related) programs
Each user is obligated to provide true and complete information and to notify xe.gr of any changes by providing the information necessary to keep the information complete, true and up to date.
The User accepts and consents that the Company, in accordance with the provisions of Law 2472/1997, as amended by Law 3471 /2016 and currently in force, will record and process any personal data (information related to his/her computer and his/her visits and activities on this website or in connected applications, including his/her IP address, geographical location, type and version of his/her browser, operating system, referral source, duration of his/her visit, pages viewed and navigation paths on the website or in connected applications), disclosed to it (the Company) during the user's visit to xe.gr, in order for the company to be able:
to fulfill the terms and obligations associated with each of the services that xe.gr provides to its users
to provide general information to the user
to fulfill the user's requirements for services provided by or through xe.gr
to inform the user about new offers, services, products, etc. (e.g. sending marketing newsletters, new offers, advertisements, etc.)
to ensure the smooth operation of xe.gr
to carry out any action related to the above
For the listing of ads and/or sponsored on xe.gr, the Company will accept payment by credit or debit card. Accepted cards are Visa and MasterCard.
Your credit/debit card will be charged after the details and validity have been verified. The amount to be debited must be available and will be withheld at the time of confirmation of the order. In order to make your purchase through xe.gr, you must follow the instructions that you will find on the respective page. In the respective purchase form, you must enter your credit card number and expiration date. You are solely responsible for the accuracy of your credit card information and you must be the beneficiary of the credit card used for the transaction.
The invoice will be emailed to you upon completion of the purchase process. If you wish to check your membership account in the meantime, please visit xe.gr and check the "Transaction History" section.
The Company reserves the right to adjust at any time the prices of its products and services, as well as the terms of payment, without prior notice to its customers.
When you sign up online for a Paid Subscription, Trial or Product, you immediately agree to access the particular service. If you sign up electronically for a Paid Subscription, you may change your mind for any or no reason within seven (7) days (the "Revocation Period") and receive a full refund, provided that you have not used the Service, Subscription in question. Requests for refunds will not be accepted under any circumstances after the revocation period has expired.
In case of using the services of this purchase earlier than the agreed payment term, the Company reserves the right to issue an invoice simultaneously with the consumption of the services, while the User is obliged to pay immediately any remaining amount for this purchase.
The use of the Subscription Services and the Internet Ads (credits) is only possible during the periods of use of these services. The user explicitly accepts that after the agreed start and end dates, all unused ads or services will be lost without the possibility of renewal. Extensions of use (if any) will be at the sole discretion of the Company and will only be granted for a specified period of time up to a maximum of 3 months.
For security reasons, the Company does not store credit card information for future use, so you must re-enter your credit card information each time you make a purchase. By entering the credit card information required by the xe.gr Terms of Use, you explicitly declare that you have the legal right to use this credit card.
The Company shall not be held responsible in the event of illegal use of the credit card.
By providing your credit card information, you agree to be billed for the amount of the purchase you make through xe.gr. If your credit card transaction is declined by the issuing bank or credit card network for any reason, including exceeding the credit limit or suspected fraud, the purchase will not be processed.
Credit card transactions are processed through the Company's website using the services of the online payment processing provider with whom the Company has a contract.
The Company is not responsible for the non-execution of charges or credit card blockings in the event of the fault of the Internet Payment Processing Provider or the Internet Service Provider (ISP). The Company's no-fault may include cases such as:
Internet Payment Processing Provider Hardware or Software Failure. In the event that the Internet Payment Processing Provider's request server ceases to function in accordance with specifications either due to hardware failure (including, but not limited to, hard drive failure, power failure, random access memory (RAM) failure) or software problems, the Member will be treated by the Company as not participating in the purchase.
Failure to provide notice to the Company for the completion of the transaction. In the event of a transaction in which an amount is charged or blocked to the User's credit card, but the Company is not notified through accepted procedures then the Company will assume that the Member did not carry out a transaction. Failure to notify the Company may be the fault of the online payment processing provider or the online service provider.
The foregoing instances are illustrative and do not constitute an exhaustive list of all instances in which the Company is not at fault.
The Company may use cookies to facilitate and operate xe.gr services through xe.gr.
Cookies are small text files containing information that are stored by a website's server on a visitor's/user's terminal device (computer, mobile phone, etc.) while they are browsing the website. The website retrieves this information on each visit in order to provide related services.
Under current legislation (art. 4(5) of the Law 3471/2006), the storage of or access to information stored on the user's terminal equipment is only permitted if the user has given his or her consent after being provided with clear and comprehensive information. Cookies that are considered technically necessary for the realization of the connection to the website or for the provision of the Internet service do not require the user's consent.
Cookies may be set by the provider of the website visited by the user (first party cookies) or by others through the provider of the website visited by the user (third party cookies).
Such cookies are necessary for the proper and effective operation of our website. Without these cookies, we cannot provide the services you have requested, such as activation, login, management and smooth operation of your personal account, adding items to your shopping cart, logging in or filling out forms. The use of mandatory cookies does not require the consent of the visitor/user. You can set your browser to refuse cookies or to notify you when cookies are set, but this may prevent some of our features from working. These cookies do not have any personal identification information.
Such cookies are used to obtain statistical data about the traffic on our website for the sole purpose of improving its performance and content, provided that the visitor/user has already consented. They help us to find out which pages are more or less popular, to see how visitors move around the site and whether they have clicked on a link. This allows us to understand what we are doing right and where we can improve, and to ensure that pages work as they should and are displayed correctly. The information collected includes, for example, the web browser and operating system used, the domain name of the site previously visited, the number of visits, the average time spent on the site, and the pages viewed. All information gathered through these cookies is aggregated and completely anonymous. If you choose to disable these cookies, we will not know when you visited our site and we will not be able to monitor its performance and improve your experience. We use Google services for this purpose.
Such cookies allow the website to provide improved functionality and personalization by storing your preferences, provided the visitor/user has already consented. They may be set by us or by third parties whose services are added to our sites. The information collected by such cookies may be anonymous and cannot track your browsing activity on other websites. If you choose to disable these cookies, some or all of the above services may not function properly.
You can manage website cookies in your browser settings and you can change your settings to accept, decline or delete cookies at any time. If you change your settings, certain functions and features may not function as they should for your use of the Company's services.
If you would like to learn more about cookies, please visit the following websites for detailed information about the types of cookies, their use, and how you can manage your cookie preferences:
http://www.cookiepedia.co.uk/index.php?title=How_to_Manage_Cookies or
Click below for detailed information on how to disable and delete cookies in the most common browsers used:
Mozilla Firefox®
Google Chrome™
For any information about our use of cookies you can contact help@xe.gr.
The present Terms of Use shall apply equally and for the benefit of the Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates, shall be governed by the laws of Greece and, in the event that any of them is found to be invalid and/or unenforceable, even partially, for any reason whatsoever, the terms not affected thereby shall apply and shall have full force and effect.
For any dispute that may arise in relation to the operation and use of xe.gr, the consumer may, in accordance with the relevant legislation, refer to the competent Greek body for alternative dispute resolution, which in this case is the Consumer Ombudsman, 144 Alexandras Avenue, Athens 11471, Athens, Greece, e-mail address: grammateia@synigoroskatanaloti.gr, website: http://www.synigoroskatanaloti.gr, telephone: 2106460862.
If no amicable settlement can be reached, the courts of Athens shall have jurisdiction. Any dispute regarding the interpretation and application of these Terms of Use, as well as any other matter relating to the use of xe.gr, shall be governed by Greek law.
For information regarding these Terms of Use, you may contact the Company's customer service department. Contact information can be found here.
Following the terms of use and privacy policy as published on our website and in effect to date, by using our services you further acknowledge that:
You are over 18 years of age. If you are not 18 years of age, you are not authorized to use our services. If, in contravention of the above, you make use of our services, our Company shall not be liable and reserves the right against those legally responsible for any damage suffered as a result of the violation of the terms of use of our Website and its services and for any other legal rights.
By accessing our services, you agree that you will lawfully use any personal information provided to you by other users and that you will not use their personal information in any way without the explicit prior consent of the user to whom the information belongs.
The company assumes no responsibility for verifying the identity of users or the content exchanged through the platform. We recommend that you exercise extreme caution when providing personal information.
In case of disagreement, the user is requested not to make use of xe.gr, but to notify the Company of any possible remarks in order to be taken into account, always within the limits of feasibility, good faith and the common business ethics. Any remarks submitted are recorded and evaluated by the Company for the purpose of drawing conclusions, but in no event shall they be binding on the Company vis-à-vis the user or any third party.
Visitors/users of the website who are minors are not allowed to access the services of the website that may be considered inappropriate for minors and which cannot be controlled by the website. Any section or service that may contain material that is inappropriate/offensive/obscene has a warning to visitors/users. If, however, underage users voluntarily visit pages containing material that is inappropriate/offensive/obscene and which cannot be continuously monitored, the site cannot be held responsible. The Company does not knowingly collect personal information from minors. If it finds that it has collected any personal information from a minor without verifiable parental consent, it will delete the information from its database as soon as possible.
The Company provides visitors/users of xe.gr with a number of services which mainly consist of providing information, advertisements of all types/forms, the ability to use communication tools, search services, mass access of users, etc. All existing services as well as any new services included in xe.gr are subject to these Terms of Use, unless expressly provided otherwise. The visitor/user of xe.gr services accepts fully and irrevocably that all the information/services of xe.gr is provided "as is" and the Company bears no responsibility regarding the limited duration, deletion, poor performance, inability to store user data electronically and any damage that may be caused by the use of xe.gr.
The use of xe.gr is governed by the provisions of Greek, European and International Law, which are binding for each user/visitor, who is obliged to comply with them. In addition, the user/visitor is obliged to use the content and services of xe.gr in accordance with the relevant legislation, moral ethics and the present Terms of Use, refraining from any action that may offend the morals and personality of other visitors/users or create problems in the proper functioning of xe.gr.
The user/visitor understands and accepts that the website does not make a preliminary check of the content, but that the website and its competent partners reserve the right (and not the obligation) to have the exclusive choice to refuse to post/publish or move or delete any content available through its services. Also, the site and its competent partners reserve the right to delete without notice any content that violates these Terms of Use.
The User/Visitor who wishes to sign up for the services of xe.gr should:
provide true, complete and valid personal data as requested by xe.gr in the relevant applications for access to its contents/services,
Immediately notify xe.gr of any changes to the above information and ensure that such information remains accurate, complete and current at all times.
The Company provides membership services to xe.gr users, provided that the latter have accepted the Terms of Use and have completed the process of submitting their personal details. Once the visitor/user has completed the sign-up process, he/she will receive confirmation of his/her registration through a unique hyperlink sent to the address he/she has provided, and the user/member is deemed to have accepted and is aware of the Terms of Use.
Users are solely responsible for all activities that occur under their personal password, user name, and user account in general. Users agree to notify the Company immediately of any unauthorized use of their account and any actual and/or potential breach of security. In addition, Users are solely responsible for the careful use of their account and for formally logging out of their account at the end of each use ("Logout"). The Company shall not be liable for any damages or losses resulting from the User's failure to respect and comply with this clause. Once the account has been created, it cannot be deleted by the user.
By confirming the sign-up via this hyperlink, the sign-up process is completed.
The Visitor/User has the right to raise objections by sending a request to the Website to correct or delete his/her personal data, as well as to cancel his/her membership by sending an email to the Website's contact form and in accordance with what is stated in these Terms of Use - Privacy Policy.
The Company reserves the exclusive right, and the user/visitor accepts it, to permanently or temporarily suspend the operation of xe.gr with or without notice to users/members.
Occasionally, the Company may offer free or discounted trial subscriptions for a specified period of time (a "Trial"). The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the Terms of Use of a Trial and, subject to applicable law, to revoke or modify a Trial at any time, without prior notice and without liability, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
The Company makes every possible effort, within the framework of technology control, so that the services, contents and options of xe.gr are provided smoothly and without interruption. However, it is not liable in the event that for any reason, including negligence, the operation of xe.gr is interrupted or if it becomes difficult and/or impossible to access it and/or if, despite the safety measures followed, "viruses" or other harmful software are detected and transmitted to the terminals of users/visitors, or if third unauthorized persons (hackers) interfere with the content and operation of xe.gr making it difficult to use it or causing problems in its proper functioning.
The content and information contained in xe.gr do not originate in any way from the Company, on the contrary, they are published on xe.gr on the own initiative and exclusive responsibility of each user/advertiser and cannot in any case be perceived as valid information and/or advice nor do they imply the Company's encouragement to perform specific actions (e.g. purchase, rental of real estate, etc.). The Company is solely responsible for the collection, grammatical and editorial processing and posting of the content of xe.gr but does not guarantee in any case for the correctness, completeness or availability of the contents, pages, services, options of this (xe.gr). Following this, the respective user/visitor uses the provided services/information of xe.gr solely on his/her own initiative, assuming at the same time the relevant responsibility of cross-checking the information in question.
The Company may, but has no obligation, to monitor, control or process the User Content. In all cases, Company reserves the right to remove or disable access to any User Content for any reason, including, without limitation, User Content that, in Company's sole discretion, violates the Agreements. The Company may take such actions without prior notice to you or any third party. Removal or disabling the access to User Content will be at Company's sole discretion and Company does not commit to remove or disable access to any particular User Content.
The Company is not responsible for the User Content, nor does the Company approve of any opinion contained in any User Content.
The Company bears no responsibility regarding the content of advertisements (of any category and form) posted on xe.gr as well as the communication of the user/member with third parties advertised on xe.gr. Furthermore, the Company is not responsible for any issue arising from any commercial transaction of any kind between the user/member and the third party advertiser.
General Rules of Advertising Content
The advertiser must adhere to the content displayed in the advertisement without modifying any promotional periods, product offers or prices quoted.
Advertisements should not mislead users. The messages communicated within the content of the advertisement must not contain statements or visual representations that, either directly or indirectly, by implication, omission, ambiguity or exaggerated claims, are likely to mislead the consumer.
Advertisements are not allowed to collect personal information of xe.gr users without their knowledge and consent.
Advertisements that collect information from users must include their Terms of Use in the content of their web pages
Advertisements should not mimic the user experience provided by xe.gr. For example, advertisements that make use of graphics and language similar to those on xe.gr are not allowed, as this may distract the user's navigation path
Advertisements cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, health or genetic status and marital status of users.
In advertising banners, the identity of the advertiser must be visible.
Advertising Content Policy
The following topics are either expressly prohibited or subject to partial restrictions.
Adult Content / Inappropriate Content
We do not accept advertisements whose landing pages contain inappropriate content and promote online and offline encounters.
We do accept advertisements relating to websites that promote, dating and related social relationships and are directed to persons over the age of 18, by explicitly mentioning this in the relevant Terms of Use. These advertisements must comply with the targeting requirements for dating services in the dedicated section of our website https://www.xe.gr/prosopika/ (available only in Greek).
Content for Drugs and Narcotic Products
We do not accept advertisements and websites that promote illegal drugs and products.
Alcohol advertisements are allowed, given that they strongly emphasize measured consumption rather than abuse. At the same time, they must fully comply with the current provisions of the Greek Advertising - Communication Rules of the Hellenic Advertising Association.
False documents
No advertisements promoting false documents and certifications from non-legal entities are allowed.
Advertisements that promote or facilitate online gambling, skill gaming or lotteries for real or non-money, including online casinos, sports betting and poker, are only permitted when they are targeted at users 18 years of age or older. This should be clearly stated in the Terms of Use of the website concerned.
Illegal activities
No advertising is permitted that promotes illegal activities as defined by the laws of the Greek State.
Non-accredited Universities - Colleges
Only accredited Universities/Colleges are allowed to advertise and promote their services.
Financial and insurance products and services
Advertisements promoting application for credit cards or financial services from accredited institutions must:
include a disclosure on the advertisement's landing page with sufficient information regarding fees, such as annual interest rates, transaction fees and interest rates, as well as the postal address of the entity offering the product.
not directly request the submission of financial information of the user, such as credit card information
be targeted at persons aged 18 years and over, a mention which must be clearly stated in their Terms of Use.
Advertisements promoting opportunities to increase users' income must describe the relevant product or business model in detail and should not promote business models that offer immediate profitability with minimal investment, including multi-level marketing opportunities.
Advertisements should not promote financial products and services that are often associated with misleading or fraudulent marketing practices.
Political content
Advertisements promoting political messages aimed at informing the public are allowed.
No advertisements are permitted whose content "exploits" social phenomena and situations with the ultimate aim of dividing society and making financial profit.
Medicines, Pharmacies & Parapharmaceuticals
No advertisements promoting the sale of prescription products are allowed.
Advertisements promoting non-prescription products are permitted when accompanied by the relevant certifications required by law (e.g. demonstration of approval by the National Organization of Medicines (ΕΟΦ).
Advertisements that include parapharmaceutical products, vitamins, supplements and related retailers are allowed if they are accompanied by the relevant certifications required by law.
Cosmetic operations and weight loss
Advertisements promoting weight loss products and services as well as cosmetic operations must be targeted to persons 18 years of age and older, a fact that should be stated in the Terms of Use of the respective website and should be promoted by certified entities (e.g. doctors, medical centers & companies of the specific industry).
Contraception advertisements are permitted, as well as advertisements for products, services and information related to Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Astrology, black magic
Advertisements that include promotion of services for zodiac signs, horoscopes, potions and psychics are permitted. No ads that include spells and exorcisms are allowed.
Religious content
No advertisements using religious symbols, rituals or texts referring to religious groups or organizations are allowed.
Tobacco products
No advertisements promoting tobacco products or related products that promote smoking (e.g. e-cigarettes & their accessories) are allowed.
The advertisers are responsible for the correct use of their trademarks. The use of third party trademarks of companies without their consent is considered illegal.
Any website that promotes violence and torture cannot be hosted on our website.
Weapons, fireworks and pyrotechnic devices
No advertisements that promote the sale or use of weapons, ammunition or explosives are allowed. This rule also applies to advertisements for gun modification components.
No advertisements promoting pyrotechnics/pyrotechnic devices are allowed.
Cameras and surveillance equipment
Advertisements promoting cameras and surveillance equipment for lawful use are permitted.
Quality control of Advertisements
Advertisers interested in working with xe.gr should initially contact the Advertising Department having available/sending the materials for the creation of banners or their finished artwork. xe.gr is reviewing the material within 48 hours and subsequently the Advertising department contacts the partner company for any changes or information related to the beginning of the advertising campaign.
During the review xe.gr takes into account the quality of the images, the content of the texts and the linking of the advertisement with pages outside of xe.gr. In this context, xe.gr has the right to limit the advertiser's alternatives with regard to the visuals so that they are in harmony with the rest of the website.
If the Company is notified that any Content violates these Terms of Use, is illegal or misleading, the Company may, at its sole discretion, take action without prior notification to the provider of such Content.
If you believe that any Content does not comply with these Terms of Use, is illegal or misleading please complete the form using the appropriate link on each page.
No practices that may mislead, intentionally or unintentionally, users or distort the functionality of the service provided are permitted. By way of example, but not limited to, the following practices are not permitted:
The publication, on xe.gr, of property, vehicles, job or other items’ listings which are no longer commercially active.
The publication, on xe.gr, of a job listing with more than 1 job specialties/positions.
The deletion and re-registration of ads on xe.gr or updating ads without real changes in order to have them appear with a more recent date.
The publication on xe.gr of property, automotive, job and other items listings with no price or with a false price (e.g. 1€)
The publication, on xe.gr, of property listings in which real estate agents conceal their professional identity and appear as private individuals
The publication, on xe.gr, of multiple listings of the same property in the same or in different areas in order to achieve a greater geographical coverage.
The publication, on xe.gr, of the advertiser's trademark (logo) in place photographs depicting the property, in the designated area for the publication of photographs.
The publication, on xe.gr, of photographs that are not related to the description of the listing of any category.
Upon review, the Company will remove the customer's listing if any of the above practices or anything not described herein that is intended to mislead the user is found. If a second instance is found for the same customer, the Company will remove all customer listings for 48 hours. In the event of a third instance involving the same account, the Company will remove all listings from the customer's account for 30 days.
In particular, the Company informs that it reserves the right to immediately remove from xe.gr any multiple, repeated, non-unique, misleading or inactive listings from the Customer's account upon detection by our quality systems or upon receipt of a written complaint.
In addition, the user will now be able to add any comment to any listing. For example, someone will be able to add a comment such as "Fake listing” “inactive listing” “Listing with false price” “Listing belongs to a professional and not a private person”, etc."
The reporting process will be available to both logged in and unlogged users. Comments and reports will be automatically sent to xe.gr, who will take immediate action.
The copyrights of the contents and services of xe.gr, including but not limited to texts, advertisements, photographs, designs, commercial and financial data, programs, files of all kinds, brands/logos, design of xe.gr, belong exclusively to xe.gr, and are protected by the Greek, EU and international laws on intellectual property. These contents and services are made available to the users/visitors strictly for personal use. The Company always makes every effort in the context of good faith and relevant business ethics to ensure that the content and information that appears each time on xe.gr is as accurate and truthful as possible, but does not assume any responsibility for their reliability or completeness.
Any reproduction, republication, uploading, posting, distribution, transmission or any other use of xe.gr content in any way or by any means for commercial or other purposes is prohibited without the prior written permission of the Company or any other copyright holder. Otherwise, the aforementioned actions may constitute an infringement of the intellectual/industrial property rights of the Company, which reserves the right to claim any positive and consequential damages caused to it, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.
The User/Visitor/Member accepts and acknowledges that the Company may commercially exploit (either by itself or by third parties) all data appearing on xe.gr.
Use of photos in advertisements: The User/Advertiser declares responsibly that the photos he/she publishes on xe.gr are his/her intellectual property and do not contain any content that may offend or insult and are free of any third party rights. The company is not responsible for the content of the above-mentioned photos and for any issues that may arise in relation to these photos.
Furthermore, the user/advertiser assumes the obligation to cover any damage (including any costs, legal or other) that the Company may face from claims of any third party, connected in any way with the listing and display of the above photos.
The User/Member fully and irrevocably accepts the Company's exclusive right to terminate the use of his/her access codes to the xe.gr services and to discontinue the availability of xe.gr content and information if it (the Company) considers that the User has violated these Terms of Use.
In particular, the User fully and irrevocably accepts that the Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to discontinue the publication and posting of any ad on xe.gr at any time if it considers that its content is in any way misleading and/or illegal and/or false and/or offensive and that such content is generally contrary to these Terms of Use. At the same time, the Company reserves the right to refuse to allow the User/Advertiser of the ad in question to post/publish other ads (of any category and with any content) on xe.gr in the future.
The xe.gr website contains links to other websites, for the contents and services of which the company does not assume any responsibility, nor does it guarantee the permanent and secure accessibility of these websites. Therefore, for any problem that may arise during the visit/use of these sites, the user/visitor must directly contact the respective sites, which bear the exclusive responsibility for resolving this problem. In no case shall the Company be considered as accepting or adopting the contents or services of the sites and pages to which it refers or that it is linked to them in any way. The respective owners of the websites are solely responsible for any problems that may arise while visiting the aforementioned websites.
The Company safeguards all personal data and information as well as the conditions of collection, processing and management of personal data of xe.gr's visitors/users/members. In no case does this policy cover the relationship between xe.gr's visitors/users/members and any services that are not under the control/ownership of the Company. Data Protection Officer-DPO for issues related to the processing of your personal data is Nikolaos Goulis, email: n.goulis@xe.gr
The Company collects personal data on xe.gr:
When the Visitor User signs up for xe.gr services
When using its services
When using the xe.gr pages and during the access to the advertising (or any related) programs
Each user is obligated to provide true and complete information and to notify xe.gr of any changes by providing the information necessary to keep the information complete, true and up to date.
The User accepts and consents that the Company, in accordance with the provisions of Law 2472/1997, as amended by Law 3471 /2016 and currently in force, will record and process any personal data (information related to his/her computer and his/her visits and activities on this website or in connected applications, including his/her IP address, geographical location, type and version of his/her browser, operating system, referral source, duration of his/her visit, pages viewed and navigation paths on the website or in connected applications), disclosed to it (the Company) during the user's visit to xe.gr, in order for the company to be able:
to fulfill the terms and obligations associated with each of the services that xe.gr provides to its users
to provide general information to the user
to fulfill the user's requirements for services provided by or through xe.gr
to inform the user about new offers, services, products, etc. (e.g. sending marketing newsletters, new offers, advertisements, etc.)
to ensure the smooth operation of xe.gr
to carry out any action related to the above
For the listing of ads and/or sponsored on xe.gr, the Company will accept payment by credit or debit card. Accepted cards are Visa and MasterCard.
Your credit/debit card will be charged after the details and validity have been verified. The amount to be debited must be available and will be withheld at the time of confirmation of the order. In order to make your purchase through xe.gr, you must follow the instructions that you will find on the respective page. In the respective purchase form, you must enter your credit card number and expiration date. You are solely responsible for the accuracy of your credit card information and you must be the beneficiary of the credit card used for the transaction.
The invoice will be emailed to you upon completion of the purchase process. If you wish to check your membership account in the meantime, please visit xe.gr and check the "Transaction History" section.
The Company reserves the right to adjust at any time the prices of its products and services, as well as the terms of payment, without prior notice to its customers.
When you sign up online for a Paid Subscription, Trial or Product, you immediately agree to access the particular service. If you sign up electronically for a Paid Subscription, you may change your mind for any or no reason within seven (7) days (the "Revocation Period") and receive a full refund, provided that you have not used the Service, Subscription in question. Requests for refunds will not be accepted under any circumstances after the revocation period has expired.
In case of using the services of this purchase earlier than the agreed payment term, the Company reserves the right to issue an invoice simultaneously with the consumption of the services, while the User is obliged to pay immediately any remaining amount for this purchase.
The use of the Subscription Services and the Internet Ads (credits) is only possible during the periods of use of these services. The user explicitly accepts that after the agreed start and end dates, all unused ads or services will be lost without the possibility of renewal. Extensions of use (if any) will be at the sole discretion of the Company and will only be granted for a specified period of time up to a maximum of 3 months.
For security reasons, the Company does not store credit card information for future use, so you must re-enter your credit card information each time you make a purchase. By entering the credit card information required by the xe.gr Terms of Use, you explicitly declare that you have the legal right to use this credit card.
The Company shall not be held responsible in the event of illegal use of the credit card.
By providing your credit card information, you agree to be billed for the amount of the purchase you make through xe.gr. If your credit card transaction is declined by the issuing bank or credit card network for any reason, including exceeding the credit limit or suspected fraud, the purchase will not be processed.
Credit card transactions are processed through the Company's website using the services of the online payment processing provider with whom the Company has a contract.
The Company is not responsible for the non-execution of charges or credit card blockings in the event of the fault of the Internet Payment Processing Provider or the Internet Service Provider (ISP). The Company's no-fault may include cases such as:
Internet Payment Processing Provider Hardware or Software Failure. In the event that the Internet Payment Processing Provider's request server ceases to function in accordance with specifications either due to hardware failure (including, but not limited to, hard drive failure, power failure, random access memory (RAM) failure) or software problems, the Member will be treated by the Company as not participating in the purchase.
Failure to provide notice to the Company for the completion of the transaction. In the event of a transaction in which an amount is charged or blocked to the User's credit card, but the Company is not notified through accepted procedures then the Company will assume that the Member did not carry out a transaction. Failure to notify the Company may be the fault of the online payment processing provider or the online service provider.
The foregoing instances are illustrative and do not constitute an exhaustive list of all instances in which the Company is not at fault.
The Company may use cookies to facilitate and operate xe.gr services through xe.gr.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files containing information that are stored by a website's server on a visitor's/user's terminal device (computer, mobile phone, etc.) while they are browsing the website. The website retrieves this information on each visit in order to provide related services.
Under current legislation (art. 4(5) of the Law 3471/2006), the storage of or access to information stored on the user's terminal equipment is only permitted if the user has given his or her consent after being provided with clear and comprehensive information. Cookies that are considered technically necessary for the realization of the connection to the website or for the provision of the Internet service do not require the user's consent.
Cookies may be set by the provider of the website visited by the user (first party cookies) or by others through the provider of the website visited by the user (third party cookies).
Types of cookies
Necessary cookies
Such cookies are necessary for the proper and effective operation of our website. Without these cookies, we cannot provide the services you have requested, such as activation, login, management and smooth operation of your personal account, adding items to your shopping cart, logging in or filling out forms. The use of mandatory cookies does not require the consent of the visitor/user. You can set your browser to refuse cookies or to notify you when cookies are set, but this may prevent some of our features from working. These cookies do not have any personal identification information.
Created by | Cookie | Description |
xe.gr | XE_cookie | Essential for the functionality of xe.gr |
xe.gr | SID | Used to create user’s session |
xe.gr | automoto_comparison_list | Keeping automoto item (ad) ids in the cookie for comparison tool |
xe.gr | showPhones | Before ages we used to restrict users from seeing phone numbers by default. Users had to send an SMS and get a pin to enter in website to unlock phone numbers |
xe.gr | property_preferences | Keeps if user has open or close comparison panel and calculate panel styles |
xe.gr | property_comparison_list | Keeping property item (ad) ids in the cookie for comparison tool |
xe.gr | xe_preferences | Keeping if a user has open or close comparison panel |
xe.gr | xe_comparison_list | Keeping marketplace item (ad) ids in the cookie for comparison tool |
xe.gr | xeReferer | We set it when a user clicks to get a premium subscription and it seems we use them in Xe and maybe in My. We store inside the referer url |
my.xe.gr | is_informed_for_notifications | When a user saves a search from www.xe.gr/my-saved-searches.html through the last saved search notification banner, it shows a popup. |
xe.gr | isHidden + id | cookie that shows if an ad is hidden |
xe.gr | rodeosession | Session of the user |
xe.gr | xe-data-events-user-id | cookie that anonymously tracks visitors in our events |
xe.gr | XERemLog is created when you login and it's used to create \ | rodeo_session |
xe.gr | USER_2FA_TRUSTED_DEVICE | Used to identify a device as trusted given the consent of the user, in order not to ask for 2fa for a given time period |
xe.gr | is_company | Needed to identify whether a user has a company type account or not |
pro2.xe.gr | XE_NEW_DEVICE_LOGIN | To support a notification each time the user logins from a different device |
my.xe.gr | Contact_optin | Use to store user phone when you verify a phone number for your profile |
my.xe.gr | JSESSIONID | User's session |
my.xe.gr | pushStatus | Save user preference for web push notifications |
my.xe.gr | pushToggleStatus | Save button state for web push notifications in /app/static/my-notifications |
my.xe.gr | uid | userID |
my.xe.gr | sessionid | ID of the session |
my.xe.gr | public | Show info for reduced prices in a tooltip |
my.xe.gr | existingToken | Stores token key for web push notifications |
pro2.xe.gr | userOS | Use to store user OS (for 2FA) needed for the info in notification email of 2fa activation |
pro2.xe.gr | _XETemp2FA | Holds user info for 2FA like username & phoneNumbers |
pro2.xe.gr | 2fa | If user has activated 2FA |
pro2.xe.gr | keepMe | Set the “remind me” feature on login form |
pro2.xe.gr | amplifyinvalidAds | Holds validation information for ads on the Grid (e.g if an ad in invalid due to the lack of proper geo info) |
pro2.xe.gr | XE_TRUSTED_CLIENT | Used in 2FA to store a user as secure |
pro2.xe.gr | XE_NEW_DEVICE_LOGIN | Used in 2FA to identify a new device login |
rc::e | This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. | |
Newrelic | events/1/# | Used to monitor website performance for statistical purposes related to technical performance |
AWS Load Balancer | AWSALBCORS | Sticky session feature (also known as session affinity) to enable the load balancer to bind a user's session to a specific target. This ensures that all requests from the user during the session are sent to the same target |
AWS Load Balancer | AWSALB | Sticky session feature (also known as session affinity) to enable the load balancer to bind a user's session to a specific target. This ensures that all requests from the user during the session are sent to the same target |
Traffic measurement - performance cookies:
Such cookies are used to obtain statistical data about the traffic on our website for the sole purpose of improving its performance and content, provided that the visitor/user has already consented. They help us to find out which pages are more or less popular, to see how visitors move around the site and whether they have clicked on a link. This allows us to understand what we are doing right and where we can improve, and to ensure that pages work as they should and are displayed correctly. The information collected includes, for example, the web browser and operating system used, the domain name of the site previously visited, the number of visits, the average time spent on the site, and the pages viewed. All information gathered through these cookies is aggregated and completely anonymous. If you choose to disable these cookies, we will not know when you visited our site and we will not be able to monitor its performance and improve your experience. We use Google services for this purpose.
Created by | Cookie | Description |
my.xe.gr | exitIntentFlag | This cookie is used to record the user's intention to leave the page. It also tracks the user's page views. Collects statistics on the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been read. |
my.xe.gr | first_time | This is used in thank you page. We don't want to write events multiple times (eg when a user refresh) We are calling tracking events in GA, Facebook Pixel only once using this localstorage item. |
my.xe.gr | gtmSendCheckout | Does a datalayer push to GA with product info on purchase page (productID, productName, quantity, price) |
_fbp | Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. | |
TikTok | _ttp | Used by TikTok to measure and improve the performance of advertising campaigns and to personalize the user's experience (including ads) on TikTok |
Google Analytics | _gat | Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate |
Google Ads | gclau | first party cookie for "Conversion Linker" functionality - it takes information in ad clicks and stores it in a first-party cookie so that conversions can be attributed outside the landing page. |
Google Analytics | _ga | Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. |
Google Analytics | _gid | Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website. |
Google Analytics | ga# | Registers a unique ID that is used to store and count pageviews. |
Google Analytics | utma | Keep track of the number of times a visitor has been to the site pertaining to the cookie, when their first visit was, and when their last visit occurred. |
Google Analytics | utmb | The B and C cookies are brothers, working together to calculate how long a visit takes. |
Google Analytics | utmc | The B and C cookies are brothers, working together to calculate how long a visit takes. |
Google Analytics | utmz | Keep track of where the visitor came from, what search engine you used, what link you clicked on, what keyword you used, and where they were in the world when you accessed a website. |
Google Adwords | gads | Used to register what ads have been displayed to the user. |
Personalization cookies:
Such cookies allow the website to provide improved functionality and personalization by storing your preferences, provided the visitor/user has already consented. They may be set by us or by third parties whose services are added to our sites. The information collected by such cookies may be anonymous and cannot track your browsing activity on other websites. If you choose to disable these cookies, some or all of the above services may not function properly.
Created by | Cookie | Description |
Doubleclick.net | test_cookie | Used to check if the user's browser supports cookies. |
xe.gr | pushStatus | Web Push Configuration: pushStatus cookie from my.xe informing for the correct push status of the browser |
xe.gr | automoto_latest_search | Stores the latest search |
xe.gr | automoto_prefs | Comparison pane: Calc the proper dimensions for the #lp_items pane |
xe.gr | automoto_paging | Paging dropdown: The "number of ads per page" links set a cookie to be parsed by the system (Perl backend) |
xe.gr | automoto_contactSeller | Write a cookie to remember that the client has already contacted the seller |
xe.gr | property_contactSeller | Keeping if a user has contact owner of a property ad |
xe.gr | property_paging | Paging dropdown: The "number of ads per page" links set a cookie to be parsed by the system (Perl backend) |
xe.gr | xe_contactSeller | Keeping if a user has contact owner of a marketplace ad |
xe.gr | xe_last_search | Is added by PERL after each search. Not sure where it is used (Rodeo doesn't do something with it) |
xe.gr | xe_paging | Paging dropdown: The "number of ads per page" links set a cookie to be parsed by the system (Perl backend) |
xe.gr | nonactive_openBudgetCalculator | We use it in the old property homepage, in a user budget calculator |
xe.gr | searchBarStatus | cookie for the old xe homepage search bar widget |
xe.gr | openInteractiveMap | When user connected to my.xe through the Open Interactive Map CTA (old homepage map by powerbi with costs per area) |
xe.gr | returnToBudget | Set a cookie when the user connected to my.xe.gr through the Calculate Budget CTA. If cookie exists open Budget Calculator |
xe.gr | property_last_search | Stores the latest search |
xe.gr | last_search | Stores the latest search in marketplace |
xe.gr | property-transaction-icon | Used to store values for property search in searches widget |
xe.gr | property-transaction-id | Used to store values for property search in searches widget |
xe.gr | property-transaction-value | Used to store values for property search in searches widget |
xe.gr | property-type-icon | Used to store values for property search in searches widget |
xe.gr | property-type-id | Used to store values for property search in searches widget |
xe.gr | property-type-value | Used to store values for property search in searches widget |
xe.gr | selectedArea | Used to store values for property search in searches widget |
You can manage website cookies in your browser settings and you can change your settings to accept, decline or delete cookies at any time. If you change your settings, certain functions and features may not function as they should for your use of the Company's services.
If you would like to learn more about cookies, please visit the following websites for detailed information about the types of cookies, their use, and how you can manage your cookie preferences:
http://www.cookiepedia.co.uk/index.php?title=How_to_Manage_Cookies or
Click below for detailed information on how to disable and delete cookies in the most common browsers used:
Mozilla Firefox®
Google Chrome™
For any information about our use of cookies you can contact help@xe.gr.
The present Terms of Use shall apply equally and for the benefit of the Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates, shall be governed by the laws of Greece and, in the event that any of them is found to be invalid and/or unenforceable, even partially, for any reason whatsoever, the terms not affected thereby shall apply and shall have full force and effect.
For any dispute that may arise in relation to the operation and use of xe.gr, the consumer may, in accordance with the relevant legislation, refer to the competent Greek body for alternative dispute resolution, which in this case is the Consumer Ombudsman, 144 Alexandras Avenue, Athens 11471, Athens, Greece, e-mail address: grammateia@synigoroskatanaloti.gr, website: http://www.synigoroskatanaloti.gr, telephone: 2106460862.
If no amicable settlement can be reached, the courts of Athens shall have jurisdiction. Any dispute regarding the interpretation and application of these Terms of Use, as well as any other matter relating to the use of xe.gr, shall be governed by Greek law.
For information regarding these Terms of Use, you may contact the Company's customer service department. Contact information can be found here.
Following the terms of use and privacy policy as published on our website and in effect to date, by using our services you further acknowledge that:
You are over 18 years of age. If you are not 18 years of age, you are not authorized to use our services. If, in contravention of the above, you make use of our services, our Company shall not be liable and reserves the right against those legally responsible for any damage suffered as a result of the violation of the terms of use of our Website and its services and for any other legal rights.
By accessing our services, you agree that you will lawfully use any personal information provided to you by other users and that you will not use their personal information in any way without the explicit prior consent of the user to whom the information belongs.
The company assumes no responsibility for verifying the identity of users or the content exchanged through the platform. We recommend that you exercise extreme caution when providing personal information.
Updated on: 23/12/2024
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