How much money can I borrow to buy a house in Greece?
The amount of your mortgage is determined by your income combined with your financial obligations, your cost of living and the value of the loan collateral. Maximum amount The maximum amount of mortgage you can receive can't exceed 80% of the value of your property.Some readersWhat is the cost of applying for a mortgage loan in Greece?
Every application for a mortgage loan incurs some costs associated with processing the application and other related tasks. In particular The cost of examining the application and the cost of legal-technical control: €850 (indicative, depending on the product). Land registry/land registry office costs for the registration of a mortgage notice: 0.775% or 0.875% on the amount of the mortgage + VAT and Costs of filing the application, summary and issuing the relevant certificates,Few readersWhat can I get a mortgage for?
A mortgage may be granted for the following purposes: Purchase of property and/or land Construction and/or completion of a property Renovation of a property Repairing a property Buying a high energy class property or upgrading an existing propertyFew readersCan I get a loan as a foreign resident?
Sure, any foreign resident, regardless of Greek or other nationality, has the opportunity to obtain a loan in Greece for the purchase of a property.Few readersWhat is the levy under law 128/75;
The levy under Law 128/75, expressed as a percentage (0.12% for housing loans and 0.60% for other real estate loans), is added to the respective interest rate (fixed or variable) on the basis of which the borrower's monthly installment is calculated for the respective period. The levy is paid by the borrower to the bank, which in turn pays it to the state.Few readersWhat are the basic eligibility requirements for a mortgage?
You can get a mortgage loan if you meet the following requirements: You must be over 18 years old. You must not be more than 75 years old at the time your loan ends. For example, if you are 50 years old, the total repayment period cannot exceed 25 years) unless a younger guarantor is included in the loan agreement who will be younger than 75 at the end of the loan. Your family's income must be sufficient and proportional to the amount you want to borrow and the monthly iFew readersWhat is a Mortgage Broker and what are its benefits?
A mortgage broker is a licensed and specialized advisor in housing loans. Their role is to provide information on all available options, present products from various banks, and assist you in choosing the loan that suits you best. Additionally, they support you in submitting your loan application and keep you informed at every stage until the loan is approved. This simplifies the process of acquiring a housing loan, saving time for you as there is no need for constant visits to the bank. The eFew readersWhat type of interest rate should I choose for my mortgage?
For your mortgage you can choose: fixed interest rate for the entire duration of the loan, floating rate or a combination of the two, choosing a fixed interest rate for an initial period and a floating interest rate that will apply from the end of the period with a fixed interest rate until the end of the total repayment period of the loan you choose.Few readersHow long will it take me to pay back my mortgage?
The total mortgage repayment term is determined by the length of time you choose to repay your loan. A longer term ensures a lower monthly payment, but the total interest is higher. On the other hand, choosing a shorter term will result in a lower interest rate but a higher installment. Therefore, the term you choose should set your installment at a level where a possible change in your income or an unforeseen event will notFew readersAre there any credit facilities or discounts offered for a mortgage loan?
Depending on the bank and the interest rate, facilities or discounts are provided regarding the initial payment period of the loan installments. For example, depending on the case and the bank, you may receive: Early repayment option with repayment at any time, no charge for early repayment of principal. Grace period and low start Initial interest only period for the first 1 or 2 years and skip one installment every year, from the 2nd year of repayment. A special mortgage advisor oFew readersCan I calculate my instalment for loans other than a mortgage?
Currently, you can only calculate your installment for home mortgages. In the future, you will also be able to calculate your installment for loans for land, commercial or other types of property.Few readersHow can I contact the GOLDEN DEAL S.M.S.A. (ΧΡΥΣΗ ΕΥΚΑΙΡΙΑ ΜΟΝΟΠΡΟΣΩΠΗ ΑΝΩΝΥΜΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ) mortgage department?
The mortgage loan department of GOLDEN DEAL S.M.S.A. (ΧΡΥΣΗ ΕΥΚΑΙΡΙΑ ΜΟΝΟΠΡΟΣΩΠΗ ΑΝΩΝΥΜΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ) operates daily from Monday to Friday, working hours 09:00 - 17:00. You can contact us in one of the following ways: Via email: By phone: 210 9091200Few readersWhat are the collaborating banks?
GOLDEN DEAL S.M.S.A. (ΧΡΥΣΗ ΕΥΚΑΙΡΙΑ ΜΟΝΟΠΡΟΣΩΠΗ ΑΝΩΝΥΜΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ) collaborates with the following banks: Alpha Bank National Bank of Greece Eurobank Piraeus BankFew readersWhat is the salary of the Mortgage Broker?
The prospective borrower is not burdened with any fees.The fee for GOLDEN DEAL S.M.S.A. (ΧΡΥΣΗ ΕΥΚΑΙΡΙΑ ΜΟΝΟΠΡΟΣΩΠΗ ΑΝΩΝΥΜΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ) arises solely from its collaboration with financial institutions.Few readersCan I apply for a mortgage without having decided on a specific property?
There is the option to apply for a mortgage before finalizing the property you are interested in, allowing you to choose the property that best suits you later based on your approved loan amount. Overall, the financial pre-approval helps you be better prepared during the real estate search process.Few readersIs home insurance required through a home loan?
Home insurance is mandatory when acquired through a mortgage loan and is called mortgage insurance. The insurance company or insurance advisor is chosen freely by the interested party, provided that the conditions of the loan agreement are met. Property insurance protects the investor from various risks and unforeseen events, such as fire, theft, damage from natural disasters, and many others.Few readers